October 21, 2012

Day 94/98 - Pastorela (2011)

A Pastorela is a traditional Mexican Nativity play where the role of Satan becomes the chief humorous character who tries to stop the shepherds and wise men from reaching the baby Jesus. In December, in the Mexico City parish of San Miguel de Nenepilco,  Chucho, aka Lieutenant Jesus Juarez Hurtado, wants to play the Satan as he has in years past. Unfortunately, the previous priest died while making love to a nun and the church has sent Padre Mundo, an exorcist, to take over, keep the money flowing and produce the annual  pastorela. Chucho and Mundo square off when Mundo casts Chucho’s taxidriving friend Bulmaro as Satan. Having been warned not to let the new parish question his authority, Mundo refuses to change his mind. Since the pastorela is entered into a contest and the Cardinal is interested in seeing the play, funny (and often ludicrous) complications mount.

Gradually, the screenplay by director/playwrite Emilio Portes seems to suddenly change focus and goes from a humorous struggle of Chucho versus the priest into a much more metaphysical struggle where the real Satan takes over Chucho and/or Mundo.  

The whole thing, of course, leads to the pastorela production where Padre Mundo decides to take on the role of Satan in his red tights, black cape,  and horned outfit. Chucho eventually shows up as the Archangel Michael in a white gown, roman breastplate and large wings. Actors wearing Satan costumes from other productions had been arrested in a plot twist and they storm the theatre while policemen dressed in angel costumes (???) try to stop  them.  The whole thing becomes a supernatural confusion where some actors are killed and good (or is it evil?) triumphs.

The film is highly irreverent with R-rated situations and dialogue. Both clergy and cops constantly swearing and the world seems a comic book reality. The whole Mexico City police force is seen as corrupt, as are the clergy. Some of the humor is lost in the subtitles which in a couple of key moments appear white on white images.

Pastorela (2011) ***

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